Tuesday, August 16, 2011

History of cinema

Cinema technology its develop considerably since the start of world cinema Lumière brothers, until the twenty-first century  digital cinema. Which was officially opened as a show in Paris on December 28, 1895. At other points we can also appreciate the evolution of cinematic language, the creators of the genre and it´s evolution in society at national and international level. 

Of the many people working to develop motion pictures in the late 1800s, as mentioned above the most successful were the partnerships between the Brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière in France and Thomas Edison and William Dickson in America.

Their experiments, spurred on by motion capture work by photographer Eaedward Muybridge and Etienne Marey, provided the basis for motion picture photography and presentation, and their techniques can still be seen in the capture and projection of motion pictures today.

In the UK, photographer Birt Acres teamed up with electrical engineer Robert Paul and together they developed their own motion picture camera to create films for use with copies of Edison's Kinetoscope. Acres and Paul's brief partnership led to the production of the first successful British film - 'Incident at Clovelly Cottage' in March 1895.

As the technology advanced, filmmakers emerged, with Cecil Hepworth and Edwin Porter leading the way. Hepworth producing such early cinema classics as 'How it feels to be run over' and 'Rescued by Rover' with Porter directing 'The Great Train Robbery' among many others.

In France, Georges Méliès emerged from a theatrical background and started making films combining film technique with the spectacular effects achievable from the theatre. Méliès' work led to some of the first 'special effects' in cinema in films such as 'A Trip to the Moon'.